
Engaging Veterans and First Responders


The Veterans Service Partnership (VSP) is an initiative of TU’s to serve veterans, active duty military and their families by engaging them through the recreational therapy of angling and with the sustaining support of the TU community. Our goals are to bring the full weight of TU’s 300,000 members and supporters to deploy across the nation engaging and supporting local military and veteran families through angling and community.

This program has recently evolved to include first responders and their families, as well as essential workers employed during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Not only do military and first responders benefit from the recreation and therapy of angling, they also bring diversity and strong leadership experience to their local chapters! Check out the resources and ideas below to see how your chapter can strengthen its involvement with the “Red, White, Blue, and Green” communities in your area.


National TU VSP Program Website (Includes links to complimentary membership, partnerships, etc.)

CTU “Happy Hour” Webinar Recording: Engaging Veterans and First Responders in Colorado

VSP Program PowerPoint Presentation

TU Veteran, Active Military, and First Responder Free Membership Form


Military service members and the first responders provide a strong work ethic and leadership drive for chapters. These communities also benefit heavily from the relationships and therapy that angling and chapters provide. Here are some quick ideas for ways that your chapter can support and engage service members and first responders in your area:

Community-Building Events for members and their families:

  • BBQs and informal get-togethers

  • Fishing clinic or trips

  • First Responder appreciation night/BBQ

  • Conservation Project

  • Collaboration project with local fire/police station, ROTC, military base, etc.

In Colorado, we have a strong military and first responder community. Check out the VSP Power Point Presentation for resources/links that connect you to specific groups. Also consider reaching out to your local search and rescue, wildland fire crews, volunteer fire departments, and others. Don’t forget to invite their families as well!

For questions, please contact Mike Banaszewski (TU VPS Director) at:

CTU's River Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp


TU Teen LIVE - A five week virtual camp experience beginning in June 2020.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Session One: Introduction to TU Teen LIVE

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Session Two: Exploring Colorado Watersheds

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Session Three: Native Species Conservation

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Session Four: Macroinvertebrates and Fly Selection

Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Session Five: Exploring Conservation and Fly Fishing Related Careers

Use these outreach materials to advertise for TU Teen LIVE on your chapter’s social media —

TU Teen LIVE Flyer
TU Teen LIVE Facebook Cover
TU Teen LIVE Facebook Cover - Less Words
TU Teen LIVE Facebook Post
TU Teen LIVE Facebook Post - Less Words
TU Teen LIVE Instagram Post
TU Teen LIVE Instagram Story

Registration Link -




What you will find in this document

Note: Do not download. Access this document via this page because the manual is going to be consistently updating and changing. You will be notified of any significant changes to the program/process.

Table of Contents:
-What is STREAM Girls?
-Activity Descriptions
-Chapter Information: Partnership Overview, Equipment Kit, Remaining Costs, Volunteer Pool, Event Checklist
-Colorado Trout Unlimited Resources: Sample Event Plan, Sample 1-Day Schedule, Sample STREAM Girls Event Flyer, Girl Scout Evaluation, Volunteer Evaluation, Girl Scout Packing List, STREAM Girls Safety Notes, CTU Photo Waiver, GSCO Photo Release, Trout Unlimited Youth Liability Waiver, Trout Unlimited Adult Liability Waiver, Emergency Contact Form
-National Trout Unlimited Resources: STREAM Girls Volunteer Guide, STREAM Girls Training Webinar, Dichotomous Key, STREAM Girls Patch Design, Shipwreck Beads, STREAM Girls Promo Video, STREAM Girls Instructional/Promo Video, Bulk Youth Membership Form, One-Page Reference Sheet, STREAM Girls Field Handbook, Certificate of Achievement, Patch Ordering Information

webinar: STREAM Girls - How your chapter can host event in your community

Trout in the Classroom (TIC)

Trout in the classroom virtual workshop 2020

Use the following resources to advertise through your chapter’s social media for the Trout in the Classroom Virtual Workshop on Monday, June 15, 2020 from 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Link to register:

TIC Virtual Workshop 2020 Flyer
TIC Virtual Workshop 2020 Facebook Post
TIC Virtual Workshop 2020 Facebook Post (less words)
TIC Virtual Workshop 2020 Instagram Post
TIC Virtual Workshop 2020 Instagram Post (less words)
TIC Virtual Workshop 2020 Instagram Story
TIC Virtual Workshop 2020 Instagram Story (less words)

program manual

Note: Do not download. Access this document via this page because the manual is going to be consistently updating and changing. You will be notified of any significant changes to the program/process.

Table of Contents:

-What is Colorado Trout Unlimited?
-What is Trout in the Classroom?
-Objectives and Model of TIC
-Roles & Responsibilities
-Teacher Information: Teacher Timeline, Important Contacts, Ordering Equipment, Equipment List, Equipment Set-up, Start Up Timeline, Ordering Eggs/Food, Egg Maintenance, Trout and Tank Care, Feeding Guidelines, Vacation Planning, Ammonia and Trout, Chiller Maintenance, Filter Cleaning, Nitrogen Cycle, Dissolved Oxygen, Water Hardness, Sampling/Testing, Trout Release/Alternate Options, End of Year Clean Up, FAQs, Lesson Plans, Complementary Programs, Web Resources, Library, State Resources, Potential Funders
-Chapter Information: Chapter Timeline, How to Support a TIC Program, Program Resources

program info packet

Note: Do not download. Access this document via this page because the manual is going to be consistently updating and changing. You will be notified of any significant changes to the program/process.

Table of Contents:
-General Timeline
-Testing Requirements
-Next Steps

General TIC Resources

Trout in the Classroom Workshop 2019

Introductory Trout in the Classroom Webinar