The Role of the Chapter Vice President

The vice president of a TU chapter is second in command. The position of vice president is often used as training for a leader to step into the president position, and the general expectation is that the chapter vice president will be nominated for and take over as president at the conclusion of their predecessor’s term in office. The vice president should be sure to read and be familiar with the role of chapter president.

In addition, the vice president should:

  • Preside over meetings from which the president is absent.

  • Provide support and assistance to the president in order to achieve the core functions of the chapter.

  • Perform duties as assigned by the president or the board of directors (example position description).

  • Attract, recruit and mentor new board members and volunteers who will make up the next team when they take office as president

In many cases, the vice president will serve as the chair of the chapter’s strategic planning committee, helping develop the plan which they will be responsible for implementing when they take over the role of president.