Membership/Engagement Chair
The Membership Chair is a vital position on every chapter board and plays an important role in maintaining and growing the chapter’s membership (and future leaders!). An active membership chair and committee will help the chapter more effectively host events with greater participation, be able to train and recruit new leaders, and secure more donations that support the important work in the watershed. Responsibilities may include:
Oversee the standing membership committee (Role description and committee description);
Discuss member recruitment goals with the chapter leadership and help implement activities that meet those objectives;
Provide regular reports to the chapter board on membership retention, recruitment, and opportunities;
Work with the vice-president or selected board members to help manage “leadership development committee”;
Review and understand TU membership policies and promotions. See: TU Membership Memo, Membership Recruitment and Engagement Strategies;
Be a “greeter” at chapter events to welcome members and community members and help build a welcoming environment;
Coordinate new member welcome letters, renewal notices, etc.
Additional Resources
Your Volunteer Operations Staff is here to help!
Nick Halle
Volunteer Operations Coordinator
(703) 284-9425
Contact Nick for:
Volunteer Leader Login Issues
Insurance Requests / Questions
Fundraising Program & Support
Membership Recruitment Tools
L.L. Bean Rod Donations
Lisa Beranek
Leadership Development Manager
(907) 205-0974
Contact Lisa for:
Leadership Recruitment & Development
Embrace A Stream Grants Program
Strategic Planning Support
Diversity Event Planning