The Role of Chapter President
The TU chapter president sustains the work of the chapter by providing governance, leadership and strategic direction. The president is expected to review and understand the organization’s bylaws, policies and procedures, financial and legal situation, and strategic plan. As the board ambassador, the president acts as a spokesperson to the larger community. By modeling appropriate behavior, the president sets high standards for board conduct and intervenes if conflicts arise. Anyone taking on this role should have demonstrated community leadership, feel comfortable delegating, have good group dynamic skills and have the ability to communicate well, listen and seek input from others. This simple checklist is intended to help new presidents understand the key functions of the role, but please keep in mind that every chapter is different so it’s critical to cater a comprehensive checklist to those realities. Specific responsibilities include:
When first taking over as chapter president:
Ensure the outgoing chapter president lists you as the president in the Leaders Only Tools section of
Review the position description in advance of discussing your role with the board
Confer with the chapter president to ask for lessons learned.
Make sure the signatories on the chapter bank account are current.
Set the Vision, Culture and Expectations of the Board
Develop and/or implement the chapter’s strategic plan (See strategic planning resources below)
With the Executive Committee, develop, approve and track a budget of chapter expenses and revenues each fiscal year.
Assist the nominating committee in recruiting board members and aid in new board orientations.
Appoint committee chairs and serve ex officio on committees.
Periodically consult with board members on their roles, help them assess their performance, and plan for leadership development and succession.
Mentor and train your chapter vice president.
Lead by example and prepare an agenda for each month’s board meeting and distribute it out to the board well in advance of each meeting.
Review outcomes and metrics created by the chapter for evaluating progress against its strategic plan
Serve As the Face and Voice of the Chapter
Serve as the spokesperson for the chapter at public gatherings and hearings.
Develop and manage relationships and communicate with partners, the media and other stakeholders.
Represent the chapter on the state council, attending regular council meetings.
Manage and Delegate the Administration of the Chapter
Ensure that elections are carried out regularly in accordance with the chapter’s bylaws.
Ensure that board resolutions are carried out.
Ensure that the chapter is meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.
With the chapter treasurer, ensure the Annual Financial Report and required IRS Forms are filed annually and on time. See TU’s online resources for financial management and reporting
Read and become familiar with TU’s risk management and insurance limitations and ensure the chapter is in compliance.
Ensure donations to your chapter are properly acknowledged.
Running a chapter
The task of running your chapter as a team of volunteers may seem daunting at first, but with good leadership, delegation and a shared vision for where you want to go, working to achieve TU’s mission in your local community can be rewarding and fun!
Chapter Leadership Development
When a new volunteers comes to a chapter event, does your board have a plan in place to engage them and invite them to take the next step?
Strategic Planning
Developing a strategic plan for your chapter can sound intimidating, but simply getting ideas down on paper and setting some simple goals and commitments for the next three to five years can make a substantial difference in the effectiveness and directness of your chapter.