Youth Education

Keep Grass Green while Conserving Water

Who doesn't love standing barefoot on cool, green grass during the summer? Sure, standing in a river wetting a line is by far the way to spend your days, but many people enjoy the look and feel of a healthy lawn- especially after a summer's day on the water. Xeriscaping is an awesome trend to conserve water while keeping your home's landscape appealing. But it's a common misconception that having green grass and being an effective steward of our water supply don't go hand in hand. Of course using little or no water on landscapes is the best way, but there are ways to keep your grass green while keeping our rivers and trout healthy.

  • Rely on the Mother Nature: Sure, this one is obvious but it should go with saying that grass is more resilient than one may think. Grass lawns can tolerate up to two months in hot, dry conditions and still come back when there is water available. Kentucky bluegrass, a common grass along the Front Range, is very drought resilient. "During hot, dry spells, you can let your lawn naturally turn brown and go dormant... Grass will bounce back when rainfall and cooler temperatures return," according to Scotts.
  • Use a rain barrel: Staring last year, it is now legal to use a rain barrel to collect up to 110 gallons of water in Colorado. According to Conservation Colorado, using rain barrels could conserve up to 1,200 gallons of water each year per household. A study by the state of Colorado found that in just Douglas County alone, 97 percent of rain water was lost to evaporation and vegetation. Using these barrels, the rain will be collected in a covered unit to reduce the amount of evaporation. The water collected can be used to water the grass or other vegetation without having to turn on the sprinklers or hose.
  • FaucetRecycle water: Use the waste water from daily household usage like showering or washing dishes for use on your lawn. Collect the waste water by plugging the drain to then scoop the water with a bucket and water trees, shrubs, or portions of the grass that need more attention- most likely the portions in direct and intense heat. (Bonus Tip: Planting water efficient or native trees can help keep grass shaded and covered from the heat).
  • Mow Smart: When cutting the grass, keep the lawn blade sharp and the setting high. With a taller height- 3 to 4 inches is the recommended setting- the grass will keep the soil shaded and protected from the sun and increase the ability to retain moisture. Instead of throwing away the clippings, spread them around the lawn. If the grass is cut high and the clippings are small, they will break down quicker and return nutrients to the soil as well as offer more shade for the soil. TrueGreen says, "Don't throw away those clippings when you mow. Be sure to spread them around your lawn to give it an extra source of organic nutrients. Mulch also has the same effect of helping the area retain moisture."
  • Water at the right time: Running the sprinklers or watering the grass in the morning or at night is ideal as less water is lost due to evaporation from the heat. It is also not necessary to water every day. About one inch of water every week is needed for healthy grass. Switching to water efficient sprinklers and using a timer is a great way to ensure you are not over watering.

Buy your Colorado 2017 fishing license now

From Colorado Parks and Wildlife Coloradans can purchase a 2017 fishing license starting March 15 through Colorado Parks and Wildlife. An annual license is good starting April 1, 2017 through March 30, 2018. CPW provides a range of options for anglers from the annual fishing license to the one-day fishing license as well as educational opportunities for those new to angling.

“Colorado provides outstanding fishing across the state for an amazing diversity of species ranging from cutthroat trout and kokanee to walleye and bluegill,” said Doug Krieger, CPW’s aquatic section manager. “I encourage experienced anglers to introduce a friend or family member to fishing this season. Fishing is a great activity to share with someone else and a great chance to get outside and enjoy Colorado’s natural resources.”

CPW stocks 90 million fish annually into waters throughout Colorado in order to ensure good angling opportunities. CPW does not receive general tax dollars and fishing license fees support all statewide hatchery and fish-stocking operations.

Buy a license online at CPW’s secure license application portal or by phone at 1-800-244-5613.

For individuals aged 18 through 64, a $10 Habitat Stamp is required with the first license purchase for the year. For more information, read about the Habitat Stamp.

Youth under age 16 can fish for free and CPW provides opportunities throughout the season to learn how to fish. Check the calendar on the CPW website for upcoming clinics.

Don’t forget to buy a state park pass when you buy your license. Colorado state parks offer 37 places to fish, 365 days of the year.

Get tips and stay up to date on Colorado fishing regulations by reading the 2017 Colorado Fishing Brochure. CPW also sends customers that sign up through the secure license application portal emails providing updated fishing conditions, tips, news and upcoming events as well as regulation updates.

Behind the Fin: Marge Vorndam

How long have you been a TU member?  Since 1987.  I joined the Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited when I lived in Colorado Springs. I was on the Board there as Communications Chairman/Newsletter Editor (before e-mail and computers, we sent out paste-up hard copies every month) and helped with fundraising and projects with everyone there.

Marge 3After moving South in the early 1990s I transferred to the Southern Colorado Greenback Chapter of TU. After several years, I was on the Board again, serving mainly in the capacity of Communications Chairman. I will be retiring this year, but plan on maintaining an active role in the chapter. Hubby Paul and I are Life Members, and proud of that.

Why did you become a member and what chapter are you involved with?

My Master’s degree is Environmental Studies. Back when I joined TU, my personal interest was to see improvement in and preservation of water quality health across our landscape. The then-NTU mission was directed to that same theme.  NTU decided to change its mission several years ago to focus more on cold-water fisheries, but since I love to fish, it wasn’t a tough choice to stay with TU’s stance on fisheries and watershed conservation and water quality improvement.

What made you want to become involved with TU?

At the time that I chose to join and support organizations with a mission like my interests, TU was front and center!  I embraced their overall action agenda, and still can buy into it as  foremost of the conservation organization on my list.

What is your favorite activity or project that you have done with TU?

Marge 2Kids’ education.  Several years ago, Jenny Kedward from the local Sierra Club, Pat McGraw, then-President of our Chapter, and I collaborated to do a two-day summer camp program for 12-14 year olds in our community that concentrated on water education and fishing. We conducted it for four years in a row. Our chapter’s Frostbite Fish-Off Tourney, held for several years, is a close second.

I know you won’t tell me your top spot, so what is your second favorite fishing spot or favorite fishing story?

Lake Michigan and Michigan Rivers remain a favorite destination of mine, with my uber-fishing nephew, Kevin Dieleman. He takes me fishing for the BIG fish every time that I’m in MI. While big-fish fishing is a super-charged experience, I really appreciate the fly-fishing scene in Colorado  anywhere.

What does being a part of TU mean to you?

It’s an ultimate experience in helping to preserve the water resource. With a growing human population, more attention must be focused on water and how it is used and abused.  I appreciate what I can do to facilitate that experience for future generations. I was really proud to be part of the development of Colorado’s Water Plan for our area.

What else do you do in your spare time or for work?

I teach online courses for students at various colleges in Colorado and elsewhere related to Environmental Science.  It’s an integral part of what is important to me – getting students excited about what we all can do to support a better world for now and into the future.  Additionally, I am a Colorado Master Gardener and a Colorado Native Plant Master, both of which further my educational goals

Trout Unlimited Trout Tips

Trout Unlimited Vice President of Trout Media and Editor of Trout Magazine, Kirk Deeter, brings us Trout Tips- a video series with basic tips to help make everyone a better fly angler. Not only is Deeter a fantastic writer and magazine editor, he's a guide and a fly fisher with more than 30 years of experience with the long rod.

"Whenever I'm fortunate enough to fish with Kirk, I pay attention. I watch him cast. I watch what he's looking at when he fishes. I watch how he reads water. I almost always pick up a tip or two. Fishing with Kirk makes me a better angler," says Chris Hunt, TU Director of Communications.

Trout Tips has produced over 10 short videos, each offering a unique tips or advice that can help anglers of every skill level catch more fish.

Visit or visit the Trout Tips YouTube Playlist for a complete list of all videos.


An Increase in Fishing License Fees? .... If so, Why?

By Jon P. Weimer, Colorado TU Director-At-Large, Communications Committee This article was originally published in the 2017 Winter Edition of High Country Angler

Let us know your thoughts about the potential fishing increase with this short survey!

In the summer of 2016, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) conducted a series of 18 public meetings across the State, entitled Funding the Future.  CPW anticipates budget shortfalls, and the meetings were conducted to get feedback from hunters and anglers on how best to stop the financial hemorrhaging and perhaps even enhance its coffers.  Increasing hunting and fishing license fees for State residents has been proffered by the Agency as one possible option.

For more information from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, visit:

History of License Revenue

CPW Financial Sustainability

Funding the Future


In 2011, the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation merged with the Division of Wildlife.  Ostensibly, the merger would allow the new Agency—CPW—to capture some efficiencies through sharing resources, such as accounting and marketing, and position it to connect with the general public as a single organization.  A prevalent rumor at the time was that the merger was enacted to bail out the Parks Division using Wildlife funds.  This view, apparently, was a misconception.  There are very specific Federal and State laws that require that Wildlife funds---which include hunting and fishing license fees-- be spent only for Wildlife purposes, while Park funds were to be spent only for Park purposes.  It is important to note that although these two Divisions merged, each retains its own budget.  It is also important to note the irony that Parks currently is in relatively good shape financially.  It is Wildlife that is hurting financially, and providing the impetus for CPW to plead for more revenue.

ElkCurrent Status

CPW has a user-pay, user-benefit funding mode; it does not receive General Fund revenue (i.e., taxpayer money).  So, fish and wildlife conservation programs, as well as management of recreational lands, are primarily funded by hunters, anglers and park visitors, through sales of hunting and fishing licenses, habitat stamps, and park passes.  More specifically, about 62 percent of the revenue generated by CPW comes from hunting and fishing license fees.  Federal excise taxes levied on hunting and fishing equipment comprise 16 percent of the budget, and grants from Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) make up 12 percent of the revenue.  Those Federal excise taxes are collected from makers of outdoor equipment which are returned to the State based on license numbers and geographic size.  Any proposed increase in license fees must be approved through the Colorado legislature before they are finalized by the governor’s signature.

Presently, resident fishing licenses for adults (age 16 to 64) cost $26.  A $10 habitat stamp is also required from adults (18 to 64 years).  Licenses for seniors (age 65 and over) are provided free, although they must pay a $1 charge, $.25 of which goes for a search and rescue fee, and $.75 of which reflects a  Public Education Advisory Council (CPEAC) fee.


Reasons for Budget Deficits

CPW’s Wildlife Management Division claims that, in recent years, it has faced substantial budget shortfalls which have resulted in the elimination of over 50 positions and $40 million from Wildlife budgets.  Without increasing revenues, CPW states that Wildlife Management will have to cut additional staff and core services, which could include reductions to wildlife and property management, biological research, access for hunting and fishing, as well as the closure of some reservoirs and fish hatcheries.  CPW avers that, basically, for the past decade, its incoming revenue has been relatively stagnant while faced with increased costs, a larger mission, and more complex issues to manage.

greenback-tanksCPW is the largest owner of dams in Colorado and oversees 19 hatcheries in the State, where it raises 90 million fish annually for stocking rivers and lakes, and with limited funds it says it is falling behind on dam and hatchery maintenance.  As examples of rising costs since 2005 – the last time resident fishing license fees were increased – CPW points to some specific examples:  leasing water for hatcheries has increased 344 percent; fish food has risen 92 percent; and the cost of a fisheries work boat has increased 24 percent.  CPW personnel indicate that there have been some major investments out of their control such as information technology and new Statewide accounting systems.  They also point to new wildlife challenges with which they’ve had to contend such as whirling disease and invasion of aquatic nuisance species that have imposed unexpected costs. Then, of course, costs such as those associated with personnel, health care, and utilities have consistently increased during this time span as well.

Possible Solutions for Reducing Budget Deficit

Resident  License Fee Increase:  During the course of CPW’s Funding for Wildlife series of public meetings, the Agency discussed, and received from participants, a number of proposed solutions to remedy the budget deficit but invariably, possible license fee increases loomed large.  At these meetings, CPW personnel attempted to explain the Agency’s budget situation, detailing what it had done recently to address shortfalls in revenue, and providing a forecast of how CPW might address its programs.  CPW indicated that in order to maintain the current wildlife programs and restore or add a slate of new programs requested by stakeholders would, essentially, require doubling the price of most State hunting and fishing licenses.  This calculation, as might be expected, received emphasis from the media and stakeholders, although CPW insisted that the Agency had NOT proposed such an increase. However, even CPW Director, Bob Broscheid, admitted that a license increase must be considered.

ColtonG-1.0Regarding fishing licenses, the price increment in resident fishing licenses that has been bandied about most often at these meetings was a hike for adults from $26 to $50, almost a 100 percent increase.  If such an increase was approved, CPW discussed whether or not it should be implemented in one year or, perhaps, in stages over a 4 to 5 year time span.  Whatever price increase instituted, if any, should have a sound rationale if it’s going to receive legislative approval.  CPW might look at the price increases that other states have adopted, or possibly the price increase could be based on some econometric modeling derived from results obtained in a “willingness to pay” survey.  In addition to holding 18 public meetings this past summer, CPW send post cards to 3,000 randomly chosen resident license holders (half hunters, half anglers) to ask if they supported increasing license prices.  CPW also gathered input from an online public comment form on its website regarding people’s willingness to pay more for a fishing/hunting license.

In economics, there’s a concept called price elasticity.  Price elasticity has many facets to it but, basically, it refers to determining what percent-increase in the price of a product or service will lead to optimal revenue, recognizing that as prices increase the numbers of customers willing to buy a product decreases.  Very simply, one is looking for that price “sweet spot” that will lead to the most revenue.  If your price falls below that sweet spot, you won’t obtain as much revenue as possible; however, if you overshoot that sweet spot, you could actually lose revenue because a large number of your previous customers decline to buy your product.  Retail outlets have the luxury and flexibility to continually change prices, looking for that sweet spot.  Government agencies don’t have that luxury---they make a decision that they have to live with for a while.

2013 JUL 21: A look into the Hermosa Watershed Protection Action of 2013.

The $26 to $50 price hike in resident fishing license fees that has been discussed may be tolerable to a certain segment of the angling population, but not to another that may feel that such an increment is too steep a hike, and a number of anglers may simply stop purchasing a license. Obviously, it’s a complex and important decision that CPW has to make, requiring a great deal of deliberation.  CPW has also discussed at these public meetings the idea that, in order to avoid further price hikes that are perceived as too steep, the Agency may attempt to secure legislative approval to tie resident angling license fees to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a price structure that would basically mirror that for out-of-State angling/hunting licenses which are indexed to the CPI, usually resulting in small annual increases to keep up with inflation.

In addition to possibly raising the resident fishing license fees for adults, CPW is also considering levying a license fee for seniors who, as mentioned earlier in this article, are currently charged $1.  Seniors account for approximately 20 percent of the State’s annual license purchases.  In 2015, CPW issued 85,510 senior fishing licenses.  None of these senior licenses count toward the license numbers that determine Colorado’s share of Federal excise taxes; reinstating a senior fishing license fee would thus increase Colorado’s Federal funds as well as generating dollars directly from sales.  Further, it costs about $1.5 million annually just to print the licenses – making the status quo a net financial loss.  Thus, the Agency sees an opportunity to further enhance revenue by requiring seniors to buy fishing licenses, although no specific price structure has been discussed in any detail for this demographic group.

CPW considers an increase in both hunting and fishing licenses to be a feasible means of offsetting, at least in part, its financial difficulties.  CPW claims that if the current fee structure remains, and no other fund-raising and/or cost cutting measures are instituted, the Agency will need approximately $15-20 million additional each year to maintain current operations, and up to $36 million to implement additional programs that hunters and anglers have indicated are important to wildlife management and conservation in the State – such as expanded access or restoring “Fishing is Fun” grants to historic levels.  As mentioned earlier, after public comments are received and analyzed, the Agency must approach the legislature to ask for a bill approving any resident license fee increase.  Undoubtedly, CPW hopes to get a vote of confidence from the hunting and angling public that would help persuade legislators.

Other Possible Solutions:  In addition to, or in lieu of, raising resident license fees, the Agency has sought to broaden its sources of funding, looking for opportunities to bring in new revenue.  For example, in the series of public meetings sponsored by CPW, participants suggested that there is a much larger pool of public land users that exist beyond hunters and anglers that might be able to help fund CPW.  Why, they ask, are hunters and anglers being asked to pay more while others who use public land, such as hikers, birdwatchers, and photographers are exempt?

Tight lines were the order of the day at the Family Fly Fishing Festival ...

It was also suggested at these public meetings that the general public can purchase a Habitat Stamp and/or contribute money via the Non-Game and Endangered Wildlife Fund income box checkoff on their Colorado tax form to raise money for wildlife conservation—but that these venues may not be generally known and could use a massive publicity push.

Further questions were raised at these meetings about whether CPW in general, or Wildlife Management in particular, could initiate additional cost-cutting measures.  CPW, as you might expect, indicates that it has already initiated a number of efficiencies to offset declines in revenue, along with implementing significant reductions in program and operation expenses.  More cuts in funding, according to CPW, would lead to further reduction to popular and important “Fishing is Fun”, Wetland, Boating and Habitat Protection grants, the Aquatic Nuisance Species Program and, as mentioned earlier, a reduction in capital improvement projects such as repairing hatchery runways and maintenance of CPW-owned dams.

A possible ray of hope for additional funding is the proposed “Recovering America’s Wildlife Act” (H.R. 5650), which would direct approximately $1.3 billion in federal revenue from energy and mineral development toward wildlife conservation efforts across the nation.  If this legislation were to pass at the Federal level, it should bring significant additional revenue for meeting Colorado’s fish and wildlife needs.  At the time this writing, no Congressional action had been taken on this proposed legislation.

In short: CPW states that the basic problem is that revenue is essentially fixed at 2005 levels, while operating costs have continued to rise, so that budget cuts and program elimination are the only tools available to balance the budget.  Colorado’s natural resources, according to CPW, are experiencing the pressure of population growth and increasingly fragmented habitat.  A key factor in maintaining financial sustainability in the long run, they argue, will be the ability to increase license fees and continue to adjust them on a regular basis to offset inflation – a step they believe will be needed if Colorado is to remain a premiere destination for outdoor activities.

Welcome Our Youth Education Intern Derek Valenciano

Derek Valenciano grew up in Grand County where he learned a passion for the outdoors. Through this passion he has pursued a degree in the outdoor industry. He is currently a senior at Metropolitan State University earning a Bachelor’s degree in recreation management. As the Youth Education Intern for Colorado TU, Derek will be assisting chapters with their current and potential youth programs, work with classrooms and other youth groups to teach conservation and fly fishing, and help coordinate the Colorado TU Youth Camp.

Derek has always loved fishing and never knew the possibilities of working so close to the sport until he found CTU. He likes that CTU is making fishing better for everyone throughout the state and that the youth programs are ensuring that the conservation mindset is passed on through generations. He credits his grandfathers and father for the countless time that he has spent on the water and for his appreciation of nature and the need to preserve it.

Derek is very excited to work in this role and looks forward to seeing the progress that future generations can make in conservation and education with his help.

If you'd like to contact Derek, you can do so at

Trout in the Classroom

Colorado Trout Unlimited has been a proud partner of a Trout in the Classroom program, in which middle or high school level classrooms raise trout from the egg to the fry life stages. At the end of the year-long course, the classroom releases the trout into a local lake or stream- connecting the students back to their local environment. During the year each teacher tailors the program to fit their curricular needs.  Therefore, each program is unique. TIC has interdisciplinary applications in science, social studies, mathematics, language arts, fine arts, and physical education.

The program helps students learn hands on about water quality, biology, population studies, and environmental issues. "I really like having the tank in my classroom because it’s a new lesson every day," said Mike Sanchez, TIC teacher at Academy High School in the Maptleton School District. "There’s water chemistry, population dynamics, evolution, ecology, fish anatomy, etc. You can always come up with something to talk about and the kids are genuinely interested."

In 1997, TIC was started in New York through the efforts of the late Joan Stoliar, volunteers from Trout Unlimited and the Theodore Gordon Flyfishers. Since its inception, TIC in NY has grown from four classrooms to more than 200. This rapid growth is a testament to the program’s adaptability, effectiveness, and ability to interest students of all ages and backgrounds.

trout-in-classroom-testingIn Colorado, there are currently six active tanks involved with the TIC program. These classrooms are located all over Colorado. CTU helps these classrooms by assisting in obtaining trout eggs, coordinating supplies, and helping with the required disease testing prior to the release.

The trout fry are released into a local river, stream, or lake. This allows the kids to be connected and engage with their local environment and ecosystems. Some of the sites teach kids about fishing and how it relates to conservation and the fish they raised. "We also spend a few days enjoying some fishing at local ponds and the stocked Lake Lehow in Littleton," said Sanchez. "Kids appreciate the biology and learning how to fish, it’s a great week."

Sites are typically teamed up with a local chapter that will also help with some of the funding and supplying the classroom with the necessary equipment. This allows the chapter to connect with youth in the community and helps connect kids to their local ecosystems. "Trout in the Classroom helps our chapter engage local middle school students by connecting them to the habitats and ecosystems in their own backyard," said Ben Bloodworth, President of the Grand Valley Anglers. "The program allows students to learn hands-on about challenges facing trout populations and water quality unique to the western slope.”

Trout FryParents have also gotten into the fun through TIC. "While the program is targeted at the kids, the teachers involved have noted that many of the parents have been excited about the tanks as well, not only keeping up with the egg/fry progress through their children, but visiting the tanks during parent-teacher conferences, involving the whole family in the educational process," said Bloodworth.

If you or someone you know may be interested in developing a Trout in the Classroom site at your school, please contact Jeff Florence, for more information!

2016 CTU Success Stories

2016 was a big year for Colorado TU, the last 11 months have seen challenges present themselves from protecting our headwaters from acid mine drainage, to making sure our public lands remain in public hands, to ensuring the state's quality of water and natural habitat. While these challenges threatened our rivers and streams, the work by TU and it's chapters, made sure these threats remained just that and our watersheds remained protected. CTU also embarked on programs that would help sustain conservation and fishing for years to come. We engaged the next generation of river stewards through our Youth Camp, introduced a new group of kids to conversation through fly fishing, reintroduced native greenback cutthroat trout to their home watersheds along the front range, and made on-the-ground improvements to our state's fisheries through our chapter's volunteer efforts.

There were many great success stories over the last year that will be covered in the 2016 Year in Review coming out early 2017. The few stories listed below are highlights of the last year for CTU and just a glimpse into the great work done by the TU staff, our chapters, volunteers, and partners! Stay tuned for the 2016 Year in Review for more articles covering all of the great work done in Colorado!

Roan Plateau


Throughout the past decade, Colorado TU has also been involved in advocacy and litigation to help protect the Roan in the face of proposed oil and gas development. The legal battle culminated in productive settlement talks that produced the new Roan plan that BLM approved in November.  For the next 20 years, the most sensitive watersheds atop the Roan will remain unleased, while responsible development will be allowed on other areas on and around the Plateau that are closer to existing oil and gas infrastructure. Continued improvements in directional drilling technology over those years could make it possible, by the time BLM next updates the Roan plan, to extend development to natural gas reserves below the Roan without needing to sacrifice the valuable habitat on its surface. This agreement is a great example of how balance can be achieved when all parties sit down and try to listen honestly and respectfully to each other to craft a solution.

Thompson Divide


Concurrent with the Roan decision, The BLM also issued a decision canceling 25 contentious oil and gas leases within the Thompson Divide (the leaseholders to be repaid from government funds), while maintaining 40 other leases in surrounding lands – mostly closer to existing development areas. As with the Roan, the decision reflects a responsible balance between protecting our most valuable fish and wildlife habitats and enabling responsible energy development to move forward on public lands. Unlike the Roan, this decision does not yet reflect a larger consensus among conservationists and industry, nor does it provide longer-term protection for the Thompson Divide. The decision was a necessary victory in protecting the Thompson Divide from the imminent threat of oil and gas drilling, and TU remains committed to working with the BLM, Forest Service, ranchers, local governments, and the oil and gas industry to achieve a long-term solution that includes permanent protection of the Thompson Divide as part of a larger, responsible plan for energy development in the region.

Stream Standards

Native cutthroat trout enjoy strong protections under the new Colorado Roadless rule

Trout Unlimited and a coalition of agencies, concerned citizens, and conservation and sportsmen groups rallied to defend Colorado’s water quality standards for temperature in coldwater streams. The Colorado Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) proposed changes in standards that would have raised standards for water temperature to levels that could prove fatal to trout in spring and fall seasons and year-round in mid-elevation “transition” waters. The proposal was based on flawed science and failed to adequately protect coldwater fisheries and to address the varied factors that influence temperature regimes in natural streams. Thanks to the efforts of TU and our coalition partners, the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) rejected the proposed changes, keeping in place the protective temperature standards that currently apply to coldwater streams.  It was an impressive team – including Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Colorado Wildlife Federation, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Western Resource Advocates, and others. The proposed changes would have weakened water temperature standards for around 1/3 of Colorado’s trout streams, based solely on their elevation, allowing the fish’ stress levels to increase and ultimately cause problems for feeding, growth and movement.  According to the EPA, the proposed standards for lower elevation coldwater streams could have actually proved lethal to trout exposed to them over seven days.

Greenback Recovery

zimmermanColorado TU teamed up with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to reintroduce Greenback Cutthroat trout into their native watersheds all along the Front Range. Efforts this past year including spawning Zimmerman Lake, receiving grants to help improve the Mt. Shavano fish hatchery that raises Greenbacks, and expanded Greenback efforts to educating the public on why all native trout reintroduction is vital to our ecosystems. CTU has also worked with Parks and Wildlife on preliminary plans for a fish barrier on Rock Creek that will eventually hold Greenbacks. CTU volunteers worked with CPW on the beginning stages of the project by stocking fish in a section of the stream.

Mending Youth into Leaders

Trout Unlimited is only as strong as its membership base. Without our 150,000 plus volunteers over the nation, and over 10,000 volunteers in Colorado, we wouldn't be able accomplish what we do. In order to instill a passion for conservation into future leaders, CTU works to foster the next generation of conservationists through our Youth Programs. Starting with the Colorado TU Youth Camp, participants learn the skills and knowledge to become leaders in their high school or college clubs. From their leadership roles in college, they have the skills to become the leaders of tomorrow- not just in TU but their chosen professional fields.

Myles Brown- 2012 Camp Alumni

“What I thought the camp would be about was a strict camp with a really tight schedule and very strict instructors.  But the camp was totally the opposite.  All of the counselors were cool, willing to teach and give us time to learn about conserving our ponds, lakes rivers and stream.  Most of all, getting better at fly fishing!  Now fishing is a part of me with lots of awareness and cautions.  I learned that the sport of fly fishing attracts many people coming from places all over the world.  They come from many different backgrounds but on the river, we are all the same.”

myles-brownThe CTU camp that I was lucky to attend in my freshman summer going into high school was one of the best experiences that I have ever had. I really do think it was one of my best fishing experiences ever. I was able to share a common interest with everyone that I was fortunate to meet. I was able to share not only the amazing hobby of fishing but to help out and better the life of not only me but the fish and future fishermen and women. While I was there I shared many experiences and moments that I will treasure through my whole life. One moment that I remember clear as day was the chance to be one with the water and look to what fish refer to as, food. I was able to clearly see and extract many bugs in a stream that was abundant of fish. It was also a very humbling experience because I was able to see how we as a youth group could really impact the future of fishing and to ensure the maintenance to keep our fishing in Colorado going strong. I am very grateful of what I was able to learn in the short amount of time I was there. I would have been okay if it was all summer but I still am very grateful for the chance to attend an amazing camp full of amazing people.

Now I am a senior at Chatfield Senior High and I just finished my fourth year of football and am in the middle of my senior baseball season. Even though I am jam packed with the sports I love to play I am still able to squeeze in time for what I love the best, and that is to fish. I enjoy all types of fishing but nothing beats that with a fly and a fly rod. I make sure that the trips that I take are around a place that I can get my line wet. Next year I am attending Montana State University Northern in Havre, Montana. I will be getting my major in Diesel Technology and Field Maintenance. I look forward not only to the awesome school but being close to one of the best places to fish in North America. I am excited to further my career and lead a good life but will never leave my passion of fishing behind.

Tyler Bowman- CU Club Alumni

"In today’s world, fisheries conservation programs can be vast and vague.  It is important that conservation organizations like Trout Unlimited focus their efforts intelligently and appropriately.  Programs like the CTU Youth Camp are well worth the time, money and commitment.  The key to future conservation efforts is teaching today’s youth the importance of conservation and stewardship and there is no better program than the CTU Youth Camp to accomplish these goals.  Take an interest in the CTU Youth Camp today; our fisheries and youth depend on it."

The Colorado Trout Unlimited Youth Camp may be one of the foremost building blocks to instilling the principles and values of ethics, conservation and good stewardship into the youth of Colorado and the West.  The CTU camp, its leaders and volunteers do an amazing job to educate our youth about the values of stream conservation, catch and release trout fishing and the importance of understanding entomology and its effect on our trout streams.

tyler-bowmanMany of the leaders and volunteers involved in the CTU Youth Camp have originated from the University of Colorado fly fishing club.  The CU Fly Fishing Club is a wonderful fly fishing group that is part of the University of Colorado club sports program.  The club focuses on teaching the art of fly fishing, fly casting and fly tying to all experience levels and is a place where anglers can share fishing information and form life long friendships.

Members of the club have fished extensively and instigated conservation efforts to unique destinations stemming from Alaska to New Zealand and everything in between.  Whether the destination is freshwater or saltwater fisheries it is certain that members of the CU Fly Fishing club have been there and are willing to share information about the fishery.

Perhaps, camaraderie and stewardship can best describe the CTU Youth Camp and the CU Fly Fishing Club, where sharing a passion for angling has united people across the country and beyond, while at the same time inspiring our youth to continue a tradition of angling and conservation.

The CTU Youth Camp and the CU Fly Fishing Club could not be made possible without the efforts of Larry Quilling and Shawn Bratt, who have taken it upon themselves to teach and mentor countless people.  Their efforts have touched the lives of many and created lasting programs to benefit the fisheries of the west and more importantly preserve the tradition and legacy of fly-fishing and conservation for generations yet to come.

Dick Shinton, Youth Camp Volunteer


"Our campers have gone on into careers in science, law, engineering and other pursuits. Because I have stayed in touch with many of them over the years, I know that our graduates not only continue to enjoy fly fishing, they maintain their interest in river conservation and many participate in Trout Unlimited projects and in TU chapter activities. One young man has started a TU chapter at his university and has thus involved many other young people in TU conservation projects and fly fishing. One of our campers returned several times as a youth counselor; she’s now a full-fledged adult volunteer member of our staff. Another was on the USA National Youth Fly Fishing Team that won a world championship. This program works."

dick-shintonOur campers have gone on into careers in science, law, engineering and other pursuits. Because I have stayed in touch with many of them over the years, I know that our graduates not only continue to enjoy fly fishing, they maintain their interest in river conservation and many participate in Trout Unlimited projects and in TU chapter activities. One young man has started a TU chapter at his university and has thus involved many other young people in TU conservation projects and fly fishing. One of our campers returned several times as a youth counselor; she’s now a full-fledged adult volunteer member of our staff. Another was on the USA National Youth Fly Fishing Team that won a world championship. This program works.I’ve been involved in youth programs with my local TU chapter, St Vrain Anglers, and with CTU’s Youth River Conservation and Fly Fishing Camp; this will be my ninth year as a counselor at the CTU Camp. In that time I’ve seen nearly 200 teens from all over Colorado come through the program. They’ve ranged from hip Denver kids to dyed-in-the-wool ranch and farm kids and everything in between. One thing they have had in common is a love of being outdoors, learning something about the environment, and a desire to protect it.

Using fly fishing, a passion shared by everyone involved in the program, as a vehicle for teaching young men and women about the environment while in that environment really drives home the lessons they learn. It’s one thing to talk about aquatic macroinvertebrates, it’s quite another to capture them and examine them close up, and tie a fly that represents that insect and catch a fish with it. Learning about watersheds while standing in one, looking around to see how water flows down mountainsides, gathering into rivulets, becoming creeks, then rivers, can’t be replaced by looking at a topo map. Hearing a presentation by a local oilman about his efforts to protect the land and water while providing the energy we need makes a dry headline about fracking come to life. Learning that water doesn’t belong to everybody, but is governed by complex laws is an eye opener. These experiences prepare our campers for a greater awareness of the fragility of the world around us and the need to protect it, especially the watersheds that are so critical to trout and salmon.


Forward Rising Fly Fishing Camp

Written by: Heather Sees, president of the GreenbacksPhotos by: Emma Brown

Colorado TU, with help from The Greenbacks of Trout Unlimited, strive to educate, connect with, and influence the next generation to become conservation stewards and active participants in the fly fishing community. We recently had the opportunity to partner with a new camp, Forward Rising to accomplish just this.

dsc_0229Forward Rising Inc, the creator of Forward Rising camp, is a new organization that focuses on engaging inner city girls through conservation, fishing, and the great outdoors. The organization hopes to use these activities to offer the girls outlets to the challenges they face.

The weekend kicked off when the Girls, Inc. of Metro Denver van arrived at Lynwood Park in Bailey, CO with six young ladies who were eager, yet a bit hesitant, for the jam packed weekend! As the young ladies got off the van there was a bit of a buzz about what the weekend had in store for them. We kicked off the weekend Friday evening by having a team building exercise where the girls worked together to set up their tents and sleeping bags. After “home” was established the girls were introduced to the amazing team of volunteers and we all participated in ice-breaker games to get to know each other a bit better.

shelter-makingSaturday morning started out pretty chilly so everyone was moving a bit slower, but you could sense the excitement in the air! We kicked off our day with a session on wilderness survival from Mary Margaret Sweeney, PhD – Director at Way of the Wild. Mary spoke about the basics of wilderness survival, emergency shelter construction (with participation and help from the girls) and instruction on how to build a one minute fire. Overall, the young ladies walked away with knowledge on what to do in an emergency if they find themselves in that situation. Following the wilderness survival presentation, we had the pleasure of having Luke Caudillo, UFC fighter, speak to the group about overcoming challenges and following your dreams.

After a short lunch break we kicked off the rest of the afternoon focused on entomology, fly tying and fly fishing. entomologypicThe girls suited up in waders and boots and headed to North Fork of the South Platte River to search for bugs. After turning over rocks and doing the “San Juan shuffle” in front of the bug seines we came away with a few bugs that would later be identified as mayflies, small craw-fish and a couple worms.  After a lesson in entomology and discussions around the importance of healthy rivers we tied up some San Juan worms in hopes of tricking the fish!

The time had come – rods were rigged up, safety and catch and release practices were discussed and each young lady was paired up with a volunteer to try their hand at fly fishing.  Shortly after we hit the pond there were screams of excitement – missed fish!  After switching up bugs we heard the words that any angler wants to hear “FISH ON!”  For the next couple hours we saw several fish to the net – some girls got it on their own, some with a little help, but the end result was the same.  After a few hours of catching fish we had a quick dinner and ended the night with a campfire, s’mores, stargazing, a quick visit from Fraser the Fish and reflection on the past couple days!

herfirstfishSunday morning came faster than we expected and the weekend was coming to an end.  The weekend contained many firsts – 1st time being in the river, 1st time putting up a tent and sleeping outside, 1st time catching a fish, 1st time making s’mores, 1st time seeing the stars and for some, 1st time being out of Denver.  As we cleaned up camp and packed up the van there was still a lot of excitement about the weekend!

The 1st annual Forward Rising camp was a huge success, a GREAT time was had by all and we had the opportunity to share our passion and knowledge with the next generation!

A special thanks goes to the sponsors of the camp: Bass Pro ShopsColorado Parks & WildlifeSaraBella Fishing, Urban Anglers, Pig Farm Ink. The camp couldn't have been done without their generous support and donations to CTU, The Greenbacks, Forward Rising, and Girls Inc of Metro Denver.

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