West Denver Fly Clinic Saturday

Jeffco Fairgrounds 8:30a

The West Denver Chapter of Trout Unlimited is holding its 36th Annual Fly Tying Clinic on February 11, at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. This Clinic has become a staple for the local fly tying community, featuring about 60 of the best tiers from the Rocky Mountain Region, in addition to some outlying States such as Texas and Nebraska.

You'll have an opportunity to learn how to tie a wide range of patterns from the masters, asd well as the chance to buy their flies. In addition to the tiers, Alan Kube, recently named "Bamboo Rod Maker of the Year" will be available to discuss the merits of bamboo, and Jonathan Walter, a certified fly casting instructor, will be willing to provide you with tips on improving your casting. And, there will be door prizes, a bucket raffle, silent auction, and a chance to purchase tickets for a "Fantasy Raffle which offers the winner over $3,500 in merchandise.

Admission is $10 (children 12 years of age or under are admitted free), and $2 discount coupons are available at local fly shops. Doors open at 8:30 AM. Food and drinks will be available at the site. If you have any questions and/or want more information, please check the Chapter's website at wesdenvertu.org or call Jon Weimer at 303-830-1609.