2024/25 CTU Trout in the Classroom Year is Ramping Up

This year, Colorado Trout Unlimited has over 70 TIC tanks starting in the 2024/25 TIC Program throughout the state. We are thrilled to welcome our new Regional TIC Coordinators. Audrey Kenney is our new Eastern TIC Coordinator and Danielle Crews is our Western TIC Coordinator. As we work to onboard these incredible people, we are also celebrating our successes from our 2023/24 TIC program and 2024 TIC Training. CTU is also thankful for our donors and supporters. Without them, this impactful program and our Regional TIC Coordinators would not be possible.

We engaged over 15,000 youth, educators, and community members through the 2023/24 TIC program! Our TIC Training Coordinator, Dr. Allison Baas, played a key role in the success of our 2024 TIC Trainings this summer. We hosted several sessions, with 20 educators and volunteers attending the training near Grand Junction, 28 at the CSU Spur TIC Training, and 18 at the TIC Training held at Environmental Learning for Kids (ELK). Additionally, we now offer a comprehensive Virtual TIC Training for educators and volunteers.

A big thank you to Dr. Allison Baas for her dedication and hard work in making these TIC Trainings possible, and to Dr. Martin Harris, our volunteer TIC Statewide Coordinator, for his continued support, time, and commitment.

Check out some pictures from the TIC Trainings below!

Thank you to our TU Chapters for their programmatic and financial support of this program. Many foundations such as A. Alfred Taubman, Williams, Justin Brooks Fisher, and Levy Memorial Fund and private donors like Mac Cunningham, Adinoff Family, and several other individual donors have given so generously to the TIC program to help support our capacity growth and TIC program sustainability. Also companies like First Bank and Cabelas/Bass Pro are helping by contributing funding as well. We are so grateful for all this past and continued support!

We are still continuing to fundraise and always looking for additional volunteers to continue to support this ever-growing and impactful program, as well as our other Headwaters Youth Programs. Please reach out to Natalie Flowers, CTU Youth Education Coordinator if you have questions or are able to help.