Colorado Trout Unlimited

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STREAM Girls in Colorado

On April 13th and May 11th of this year, CTU and Girl Scouts hosted the first ever STREAM Girls events in Colorado. There was a northern and southern event in the Denver Metro area and we had 30 girl scouts total to participate and 24 men and women as volunteers. Both events turned out to be a great success. Parents expressed to us that this type of program does not come around often and that they are very grateful to TU and Girl Scouts of America for bringing it to Colorado.

What is STREAM Girls?

STREAM Girls is an outdoor watershed experience that employs STEM-education (science, technology, engineering, math) plus recreation and arts to explore a local stream. By visiting a local stream and having the opportunity to observe it as scientists, anglers, and artists, Girl Scouts in the 4th through 8th grade (juniors and cadettes) will get the complete picture of what their stream could mean to them. Over the course of multiple sessions, Girl Scouts observe a stream, collect flow data, sample macro-invertebrates (aka aquatic bugs), tie flies, and learn fly casting.

See the Program in action

Thank yous

Thank you to our volunteers who participated in the training and offered their time to help run the program. Our volunteers consisted of TU members, lifetime Girl Scouts, Colorado Women Flyfishers, Women in oil and gas, and women working in STEM. We look forward to future STREAM Girls events across Colorado. Thank you to Girls Scouts of Colorado for partnering with us on this program!

List of Volunteers involved
Liz Andrews
Amanda Bower
Celina Will
Suzanne Faerber
Kim Parsons
Steve Scholz
Cyndy Scholz
Rachel Therkildsen
Emily Therkildsen
Margot Iwanchuk
Jenna Merritt
Nina Preston
Karen Williams
Barbara Sheedlo
Lauren Hillmer
Denise Thelen
Kathleen McDonald
Mark Rayman

A special shout out to CTU’s VISTA Youth Coordinator, Bianca McGrath-Martinez and CTU’s Headwaters Chair, Barbara Luneau who together made this event possible.

Thank you to Denver Water for offering use of their space at the Kassler Center for our May 11 event.


Colorado Trout Unlimited is extremely grateful for Anadarko Petroleum’s support of STREAM Girls in Colorado