Picture taken January 2017.
Join us "behind the fin" with John Aaron. John has been a local chapter president, Vice President of CCTU, Board member of two chapters, and a fund raiser for both local chapters and the State council as well as a behind the scenes advocate for trout and clean water for years.
How long have you been a TU member?
Since 1979.
What chapter are you involved with?
Originally, with Wild Trout chapter which became the Denver chapter, then with Cutthroat Chapter.
What made you want to be involved with TU?
Was looking for a group that was flyfishing oriented and might know where to catch them.
What is your favorite activity or project you have done with TU?
Too many to account for, but a couple that stand out, fighting the building of the proposed Two Folks dam, and the establishment of the South Platte restoration program with Todd Fehr, resulting in the restoration of miles in in town fisheries.
I know you won’t tell me your favorite spot, but what is your second favorite place to fish or favorite fishing story?
Wind River in Wyoming and the Conejos River in Colorado. Did I mention Belize?
What does being a part of TU mean to you?
Enhancing the living places of fishes no matter the species.
What else do you do in your spare time or work?
Working on additional restoration efforts through non-TU projects, teaching new comers, Fly tying and attempting to raise the awareness of politicians to environmental concerns.