The hit song by Survivor, "Burning Heart" sums up perfectly what the Chopped Fly event is all about-
"Two worlds collide, rival nations, it's a primitive clash, venting years of frustrations. Bravely we hope, against all hope. There is so much at stake, seems our freedom's up against the ropes. Does the crowd understand? Is it East versus West? Or man against man? Can any nation stand alone?"
Alright, well maybe it's not that intense. After all it's not nation vs nation and ones freedom is on the line, but the Chopped fly event this Sunday, May 1st will still be pretty fun!
Hosted by Call to Arms Brewing Company at 4526 Tennyson St in Denver, The Boulder Fly Casters Chapter of TU will face the West Denver Chapter of TU in an Iron Chef style fly tying competition.
And although, ultimately one chapter will be victorious, the rivers and trout are the true winners this weekend. All proceeds will be split between West Denver TU's efforts to reintroduce the greenback cutthroat trout in native drainage and the Boulder Flycasters Flatirons Park Project - restoring over a mile of stream on Middle Boulder Creek.
The cost is $20 entry for in the Iron Chef style tying competition and the chapters ask that anyone who wants to tie, brings their own vice. All tying levels are welcomed and there will be great prizes available for everyone!
RSVP to or show up day of with your vise and tools - materials and secret ingredients to be provided.