West Denver TU Partnering with Orvis to Monitor Rivers

PRESS RELEASE from WEST DENVER TROUT UNLIMITED: Trout Unlimited (TU) and Orvis have had a productive collaborative and supportive relationship over the years as reflected, for example, by their work to remove harmful culverts, teach the Nation how to fly fish and, in general, to protect and enhance coldwater fisheries. Trout Unlimited has also benefited from Orvis’ grant program designed to help organizations improve local streams.

Colorado’s West Denver Chapter of TU has been in the forefront of the State’s River Watch program to work with voluntary stewards to monitor water quality and other indicators of watershed health. West Denver has focused its effort primarily on Clear Creek, a local Front-Range stream. However, the U.S. Forest Service has requested that West Denver do testing on U.S. Forest sites throughout the State to help the Agency evaluate the effectiveness of restoration efforts, track on-the-ground conditions that affect the success of trout, identify possible trout strongholds, and monitor water quality changes over time and geography.

However, in order to do this testing, West Denver needed additional testing equipment. Thus, West Denver applied for a stream-improvement grant from Orvis, and received $2,000 to buy needed equipment. This equipment will allow West Denver to obtain high-quality data to educate citizens and decision makers about the condition of Colorado’s waters.