You Can Help Protect Our Rivers

Coloradoans can finally purchase the Protect Our Rivers license plate for their vehicles! Show the world that you care about Colorado’s rivers! Originally conceived by the brain trust at Colorado Trout Unlimited, 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the plate are dedicated to river conservation and restoration across Colorado. Purchasers can display their pride in home-state rivers and streams while giving directly to their care and improvement. Other organizations aside from TU will also be able to nominate stream restoration projects for funding opportunities, bringing a more collaborative mechanism into the health of the state’s coldwater fisheries.

Here is how to get yours:

  1. Jump on the web and navigate to to fill out a simple form.
  2. Pay the fully tax-deductible, one-time $25 donation on that site. A personalized certificate will be e-mailed to you.
  3. Take this certificate (and any other required docs, such as registration, proof of insurance, etc.) to your local county Department of Motor Vehicles office and present it to the clerk. Pay the one-time $50 special plate fee to the DMV, plus the normal registration fee. Your registration will be prorated based on where you are in your renewal cycle. You do NOT need to wait for your renewal date to get your license plate. The DMV will mail or hand you your plate immediately - it varies by location.

That's it! Now tell all your friends how awesome you are! Post a photo of your phat new plate via Instagram (@protectourrivers), Twitter (#protectourrivers) or on

Your contribution to this program provides a much-needed, dedicated nest-egg for river restoration projects that directly affect guiding and angling opportunities across Colorado.