Now Is The Time to Embrace-A-Stream

Embrace-A-Stream is the flagship grant program for funding TU's grassroots conservation efforts. Since its inception in 1975, EAS has funded over 1,000 individual projects for a total of more than $4.2 million in direct cash grants. Local TU chapters and councils contributed an additional $13 million in cash and in-kind services to EAS funded projects for a total investment of more than $17 million. In 2012, EAS funded 23 projects in 13 states. View the list of projects funded last year. TU is now accepting Embrace-A-Stream grant applications for eligible coldwater fisheries conservation projects. Chapters and councils are asked to submit proposals for conservation projects that best address the needs of native and wild trout following TU's protect, reconnect, restore and sustain conservation model.

Apply for an Embrace-A-Stream grant here.  The deadline for submission is Dec. 12, 2012. For further information or to participate in a webinar training on Oct. 29th at 8 p.m. EST, please RSVP to Rob Keith at or 703-284-9425.