Don't Leave Home Without It !

Introducing the Spill or Kill Card.

It all started when avid carp angler Trevor Tanner spotted an oily mess in the South Platte near Sand Creek in [far eastern] Denver. Determined to report it, Trevor got on his cell phone and started dialing, trying to find someone who could do something about what turned out to be leak from a buried pipeline.

But who exactly do you call when you notice a toxic spill or fish kill?

It wasn't easy for Trevor, but it will be for you, thanks to the Spill or Kill card produced by the Denver Chapter of Trout Unlimited - Trevor's local chapter.






The toll-free number on the card connects you to the National Response Center for pollution emergencies. This is a 24-hour service of the U.S. Coast Guard, and they'll take it from there. You can print your own Spill or Kill card: Front of the card. Back of the card.

As for Trevor, he's become a hero of sorts. Besides getting his name in the papers, he has just been recognized by The Denver Chapter with a Hero of the South Platte Award. You can read more about Trevor's story in this Denver Post article.