Youth Education

Trout in the Classroom program hooks Centaurus students

Colorado Trout Unlimited's 2012 shipment of trout eggs to Centaurus High School only arrived on Wednesday, but that was more than enough to dredge up fish tales from years past. For the third straight year, Centaurus will participate in the Trout in the Classroom program sponsored by Colorado Trout Unlimited and Boulder Flycasters. As one of six participating schools in Colorado, Centaurus received 100 trout eggs and a 55-gallon fish tank in which to raise them to adulthood.

But the stories varied on the size of the fish in last year's batch when they were released into Lafayette's Waneka Lake.

"I'd guess they were around 2 to 3 inches when we released them in May," said Centaurus science teacher Craig Weinhold, whose classroom becomes the six-month home to the project fish.

Sophomores Ryan Elliott and Aaron Wilkins, who both participated in the Trout in the Classroom program as freshmen, recall things differently.

"A few of them got pretty big, more than 6 inches long," Elliott said.

"They got huge," Wilkins said. "One was at least a foot."

A whole new set of fish stories began Wednesday with the arrival of 100 tiny, bright orange trout eggs in Weinhold's classroom.

"Kids do better with it when they can go out and see it for themselves rather than looking at a poster or a worksheet," Weinhold said. "(The trout tank is) a valuable tool that I can use as a reference point. But it's also good to have something visual in the classroom to get kids interested in biology."

Though the trout aren't part of a dedicated instructional unit, Weinhold said he incorporates the trout's ongoing development into his lesson plan as often as possible.

"We watch the stages of life they go through," Weinhold said. "The whole purpose is to get kids invested and go over the different concepts we work with in biology and apply them."

Those concepts include ecology, developmental biology, cell biology, genetics and evolution, "all things we can relate to pretty much whatever we're working on," Weinhold said.

Visit Colorado Hometown Weekly to read the rest of the story about Trout in the Classroom at Centaurus. 

New Hope for Roan Cutthroats

The Roan Plateau near Rifle is one of Colorado’s gems – a scenic backcountry area supporting some of Colorado’s best big game habitat and providing a home for populations of native cutthroat trout that have a unique local adaptation – the ability to withstand warmer water temperatures than most other cutthroats.

The Roan’s outstanding fish and wildlife values led Field & Stream magazine to name it one of their “Best Wild Places.” The Colorado Water Quality Control Commission has designated several key streams on the Roan as “Outstanding Waters,” deserving of unique water quality standards. And the Colorado Natural Heritage Program at Colorado State University – a source of information on the state’s rarest and most threatened species and plant communities – has recognized the Roan as one of Colorado’s top four locations for biologic diversity. Of those four places, only the Roan does not benefit from the protective management of the National Park Service.

It’s clear that there is broad recognition that the Roan is a special place. But over the past decade it has become an island of quality habitat in the vast sea of energy development taking place throughout the Piecance basin.

In the final months of the Bush administration, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) approved a wide-ranging plan for oil and gas drilling atop the Roan Plateau that seemed indifferent to appropriate protections for fish and wildlife. And in short order, leases for energy development were auctioned off.

Remarkably, even BLM acknowledged dire impacts on fish and wildlife. Its own analysis projected that the agency’s drilling plan would result in a 33% decline in mule deer herds and could even eliminate rare native trout populations. And as troubling as these projections might have been, it’s likely the study grossly understated the real impacts. While BLM worked under the assumption that 300 wells would be drilled on the plateau, the Bill Barrett Company, which holds the leases atop the Roan, plans to drill 3,000 wells - more than ten times the BLM estimate.

Trout Unlimited is no “Johnny-come-lately” when it comes to protecting the important resource values of the Roan Plateau. The Grand Valley TU Chapter has been engaged in on-the-ground efforts to protect and restore habitat atop the Roan since the 1990s, constructing fence to keep cattle off of important stream reaches, installing in-stream habitat features, planting riparian vegetation, and monitoring water quality.

Trout Unlimited accepts the need for responsible development of natural gas resources. In fact, Colorado TU supported an alternative drilling plan for the Roan that would have allowed development of the vast majority of its natural gas without having to disturb key fish and wildlife habitats. Unfortunately, drilling on the scale approved by BLM threatens to wipe out native trout populations and habitat that TU volunteers and professional staff have worked for decades to preserve, and defies any interpretation of “responsible.”

And so, with the future of the Roan’s trout on the line, Colorado TU joined other conservation-minded groups to challenge BLM’s ill-conceived plan in federal court. TU and its partners were represented in that effort by an outstanding legal team from the environmental legal group, Earthjustice.

There has been some recent good news for the Roan campaign: First, the presiding federal district court judge ruled in favor of our challenge to the BLM plan, by directing the agency to revisit its environmental analysis and decision. The very same afternoon, TU was approved for a foundation grant of more than $100,000 to support restoration work atop the Roan Plateau – improving stream crossings, fencing riparian habitat, and restoring cutthroats into new waters. In less than 24 hours, we went from facing the prospect of losing the Roan’s native trout to the opportunity to protect and restore their habitat on a larger scale than ever before.

The legal ruling favored TU and its partners on three key issues. The first two related to the need for improved air quality and ozone analysis. The third, and perhaps most significant, was a finding that BLM erred when it neglected to consider alternatives such as those supported by Colorado TU, which would have allowed for gas development while preserving key habitats on the Roan.

The judge’s decision is an important victory for the Roan Plateau and those who care about its future. It gives the BLM a second chance to “get it right” for the Roan, by coming up with a plan that allows responsible development while protecting the unique and valuable habitats both atop the Roan and along its base. But it is only a chance – the ruling does not assure that BLM will adopt an improved plan, only that it properly consider alternatives and analyze impacts. It will be up to Coloradoans to weigh in with BLM to ensure that the agency does adopt a new and better plan for the Roan. Colorado TU and other sportsmen’s groups will be a key part of these efforts.

Doing right by the Roan is about more than just advocating for responsible development. TU is also working on-the-ground to help protect and improve habitat for native trout. This year, we are working to complete a fish barrier on the East Fork of Parachute Creek that will help protect cutthroat habitat from invasion by brook trout, which can displace the native populations. We are also completing habitat improvements on Trapper Creek, home to a unique population of cutthroats that have managed to adapt to the somewhat warmer water temperatures found on the plateau. These improvements will help create new pools - holding water - that provides a safe haven for the fish during times of low streamflows.

TU’s habitat restoration work is carried out through the generosity of many key funding partners, including Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. But oil and gas companies have also been important supporters of on-the-ground restoration through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s “Supplemental Environmental Project” (SEP). SEP allows companies facing fines for pollution violations to invest that money to improve habitat and environmental quality.

Besides engaging our established members in habitat protection and restoration in one of Colorado’s best wild places, the Roan also represents an opportunity for Colorado TU to connect with young people and help them develop their own “conservation ethic.” We have teamed up with the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps to deploy a youth conservation corps atop the Roan. One recent project involved planting cottonwood trees and willows along Trapper Creek to help improve riparian conditions in the watershed.

The efforts of the Youth Corps are supported The Greenbacks, a recently formed group of Denver area TUers in their 20s and 30s. In addition to fund raising efforts, the Greenbacks organized their own volunteer day to plant willows along another Roan cutthroat stream, Northwater Creek. And the Grand Valley Anglers chapter continues its decades-long commitment to the Roan by participating as funding partners and volunteers in virtually all the work taking place on the Roan’s native trout streams.

Of course, it can be argued that there are plenty of so-called special places, and that our need for jobs and new sources of energy require trade-offs. We can’t preserve everything. Sacrifices have to be made.

To be sure, there’s truth in that argument, especially in light of a growing population and struggling economy. But there is also a profound truth in the fable of the goose that laid the golden egg. Wouldn’t it be much more prudent to enjoy some economic benefit from the resources beneath the Roan without being so greedy as to kill it?

Over the past 50 years, TU has built a reputation for advocacy based on sound science and successful restoration projects build with the sweat equity of a hundred thousand volunteers. Protecting and restoring places is why we exist as an organization, even if it’s not always the perfect fit for the faint of heart. Sometimes, there’s no choice but to put up a fight. In the case of the Roan, more than ever, it is looking like a fight we can win.


Background on the Roan Plan

On June 8, 2007, the Bureau of Land Management issued its Record of Decision for the Roan Plateau management plan, giving approval to move forward with oil and gas development atop the Roan. CTU had numerous concerns with the plan - including the BLM's own conclusion that their proposal could result in elimination of rare native cutthroat trout populations atop the Roan. An overview of CTU's concerns with the BLM plan appears on a separate page on this site.

Resources for Youth Programs

Colorado TU presents new resources for local youth education programs: Programs and Partners, details established programs that are conducive to our mission of inspiring the next generation of cold water conservationists.

Lessons and activities features proven tools to use in your youth education programs.

Jake LemonPlease check back as additional content will be added to these pages as it becomes available.

If you have an activity, how-to guide, or other resource related to youth education that you think would benefit others, please contact Jake Lemon, Youth Education Coordinator, Colorado Trout Unlimited.

Beginning Fly Fishing Class for Women

On Saturday, August 11th, the West Denver Chapter of Trout Unlimited, in conjunction with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, will offer a full-day of learning to fly fish for women.  The class will take place at Lake Lehow (Waterton Canyon) and run from 9 AM to 4 PM, with a break for lunch. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the science of fly fishing (aquatic entomology), the art of fly fishing (fly tying), and the sport of fly fishing (casting), as well as how to tie basic fishing knots and how to select a basic set of fly fishing equipment.  Participants will also have the opportunity to fish the well-stocked lake under the tutelage of a TU member.

This class will be on a first-come, first-serve basis, and is limited to twelve women participants, ages 13 to adult.  Participants should bring rain gear, sun screen, water, insect repellant, and a lunch.  All equipment and materials needed to participate in the class will be supplied.

There will be a $10 fee charged to cover the cost of supplies.  Participants will need a valid Colorado fishing license in order to fish the lake.

For more information or to register for this class, please contact Charlie Horn at or click here.


Sending Young Trout to School

Seven Colorado schools are taking part in Trout Unlimited's Trout in the Classroom program this year. While raising trout from eggs to fingerlings in a tank right in their classroom, students learn about water quality monitoring, stream habitat and water resources. TIC also provides lesson plans and web-based resources for teachers.

It's a great experience for students, as the following letter from a Thompson Valley High School student clearly shows.

Trout in the Classroom - By “JC”

Various questions I get throughout the day are, “Hey, How are the fish doing”, or “Are all of these fish still okay?”

This has been a product of Mr. Hewson teaching students about the life-cycle of the trout as well as the chemical balance in the tank. Most kids aren’t really interested from a chemical standpoint but that plays a big part. That’s where I come in, so the fish can survive and stay healthy. I do a 5-15 gallon water-change daily to make sure the nitrites and ammonium don’t build up in the tank and kill the fish.

I need to do what I do so that, come next spring, we can transport our fish to the Big Thompson River happy and healthy. But last year, for fear of the fish not being big enough to survive against the river’s larger and more aggressive brown trout, we decided to hold them at a nearby water-treatment plant where they have two 55-gallon tanks with a constant flow of Big Thompson River water moving through them. So the fish get an extra year to grow and learn to eat river insects before having to make it on their own in a harsh river.

I have learned that, yes, we are doing it to help restock the “Big T” with rainbow trout and, yes, to help Mr. Hewson teach. But kids have lots of interests and they just need to find the right one; if the option isn’t there how can they figure that out by themselves?

When kids walk in to Mr. Hewson’s room, sometimes they stop at the door to talk to me about how the fish are doing, or just sit there and watch them swim around. It’s a great feeling for me to actually help them get interested in the fish. It helps me carry on in doing my work so that they can enjoy the fish being healthy and the water is as clean as I can get it. Sometimes they’ll see me changing the water and ask, ”Why are you doing all this?” and I’ll respond, “So we can learn about fish and chemical cycles.”  And before you know it they are taking a mini-lesson from me, and Mr. Hewson, if he’s there.

By the end of this year, our fish will be more than fifteen inches long. We plan to release them into the tanks at the water plant right after we release last year’s fish into the Big Thompson.

Visit the ColoradoTU Trout in the Classroom page.

Learn more about National Trout Unlimited's Trout in the Classroom program.

Meet Our Award Winners!

Colorado TU honors those whose contributions to resource protection make them deserving of statewide acclaim. Congratultions to our 2012 award winners!

Trout Communications Award - Kirk Deeter

Kirk Deeter, newly appointed editor of Trout Unlimited's TROUT magazine and long-time outdoor writer for Field and Stream and other publications, was recognized for his focus on Colorado's Best Wild Places and for his ongoing support of TU in Colorado.


Trout Conservation Award - Grand County

Grand County Commissioner Nancy Stuart accepts the Colorado TU Trout Conservation Award for the county's ongoing efforts to ensure that the upper Colorado River system is protected and restored for future generations.



Exemplary Guide & Outfitter - Kerry Caraghar

The fishing manager for Orvis-Cherry Creek, Kerry is a respected guide and leader in the regional fly fishing industry. He was instrumental in establishing the "Orvis 101" program to introduce new anglers to fly fishing, and is now a regular fly tyer and speaker with regional TU chapters. Kerry also and helped secure corporate grant funding for the Golden Mile habitat restoration project on his "home waters" of Clear Creek.

Chapter Communications Award - The Denver Chapter

Denver TU was recognized for modernizing its email system with improved tracking, developing a high-quality online newsletter (“The Drift”), maintaining an attractive & useful website, and developing the "Spill or Kill Reporting Card" to engage anglers as eyes and ears on their home waters.


Youth Education Award - Collegiate Peaks Anglers

When Salida schools adopted a 4-day class schedule, Collegiate Peaks saw opportunity. Working with the school district, the chapter established "Stream Explorers" to introduce students to aquatic life and fishing. Using an “inquiry-based” approach, the program focuses on hands-on learning and experimentation rather than lectures.

Youth Education Award - Evergreen Chapter

ETU’s youth education efforts include: teaching entomology, conservation, fly tying and fishing to 6th graders at JeffCo Schools Outdoor Lab; an annual day-long “fish camp” with entomology, fly tying, and fishing for 30 kids; a July 4th fishing derby for 250 kids; and partnership with Camp Comfort, which hosts children who have lost loved ones; and regularly assisting with youth fishing clinics

Outstanding Chapter Project - West Denver

West Denver’s $300,000 Canyon Reach effort builds on its earlier "Golden Mile" in the city of Golden. The project includes 3 sections below the intersection of U.S. 6 and CO 116 and focuses on both public access and aquatic habitat. J-hooks, cross vanes, boulder clusters and toe-wood islands improved habitat, while pathways and safe-wading areas were created for young families and limited-mobility anglers.

Most Improved Chapter - Rocky Mountain Flycasters

Rocky Mountain Flycasters have strengthened their chapter significantly in recent years and just completed a banner year with successful membership recruitment, an improved email newsletter and website, doubled average meeting attendance, and an increased commitment to education and conservation which has led to an 85% increase in the chapter budget. RMF has also contributed more than 5,000 volunteer hours to a slate of youth education and stream conservation projects.

Exemplary Chapter - Cheyenne Mountain

Cheyenne Mountain TU celebrated its 25th anniversary by hitting on all cylinders - strong chapter communications, growing attendance at events, strong revenue from fundraising, and the completion of important conservation projects on Fountain Creek and the South Platte. CMCTU has expanded its youth education programs and boosted conservation awareness by working with a local brewery to introduce a "Bear Creek Porter" to support conservation of a local cutthroat trout stream.

Outstanding Volunteer - Glen Edwards, West Denver

Glen has been a long-time chapter volunteer leader with the West Denver Chapter and was honored for his tireless efforts on the successful Golden Mile and Canyon Reach restoration projects, as well as for his conservation leadership within West Denver.


Outstanding Volunteer - George Osborn, Gunnison Gorge Anglers

After BLM completed a study on modifying the Relief Ditch diversion to reduce impacts on stream habitat while helping irrigators, the concept seemed doomed to languish - until George stepped up to provide steady, dedicated leadership. Construction will begin this year. George personally helped raise more than $200K in cash and in-kind donations.

Outstanding Volunteer - John Ellis, Evergreen Chapter

John has served ETU as president 5 times and Youth and  Education Chair for 18 years. He helped develop the Mt Evans Outdoor Lab Program in partnership with Jeffco Schools, worked with Evergreen Parks & Rec to establish a 4th of July fishing clinic that attracts 250 kids each year, was a leader in the O’Fallon Park/Bear Creek restoration project and helped build key partnerships with Audubon, Denver Mountain Parks, and the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife.

Outstanding Volunteer - Dave Piske

As conservation chair for the Rocky Mountain Flycasters, Dave has brought a thorough knowledge of advocacy processes and strategy to the cause of coldwater conservatin, drawing from his corporate career experience.  He has represented TU in collaborative negotiations on the Halligan-Seaman Reservoir expansion, on Long Draw Reservoir reauthorization, and has helped establish partnerships with agencies from the National Parks Service to Larimer County Open Space.

Outstanding Volunteer - Fred Portillo, West Denver Fred was cited as a “Renaissance Man” (and all-around great guy) who has always been willing to step up to fill a need. He served the West Denver Chapter as president (2 yrs), Vice-President (2 yrs), Programs Director (2 yrs), Youth Education Programs Coordinator (1 yr), Fundraising Raffle Chair (2 yrs) and Chapter Picnic Coordinator (2 yrs).  Wherever he was needed, time and again, Fred was there.


Action !

Want to know what Colorado TU is doing to reach out to young people?

Jake LemonJake Lemon is Colorado TU's Youth Education Coordinator and a lucky guy. He's engaged to Kate Prestine, a woman of obvious talent who has put together a really nice video on Colorado TU's youth initiatives. It's called Creating Tomorrow's Conservationists. Nice job, Kate! Check it out on vimeo.

Colorado TU Youth Camp

We are now accepting applications for the seventh annual River Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp, June 10-15, 2012 at the High Lonesome Ranch near DeBeque, CO. Applications must be received by April 15, 2012. The camp is designed to educate 14 to 18 year old students on the importance of coldwater conservation and provide hands-on fly fishing instruction. Approximately 20 students are selected each year, based on their qualifications and a written essay on why they would like to attend the camp.

“Our hope is that kids who attend our camp today will become the conservation leaders of tomorrow," said Shawn Bratt, a veteran youth camp counselor and winner of national Trout Unlimited's Outstanding Youth Education Volunteer. "It’s important for these students to understand the value of healthy streams and clean water and how they relate to our everyday lives. The camp curriculum has been structured to provide the necessary foundation for that education.”

Camp classes include: principles of ecology, hydro-geology, aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate sampling, hydrology, trout behavior, trout stream entomology, the biology of pollution, acid deposition, and politics of conservation and human effects on the Rocky Mountains.

In addition, the camp will include hands-on classes such as fly tying, fly casting, streamside ethics, angling literature, streamside botany, wader safety and survival, and the evolution of an angler. Students will also participate in a watershed project to repair habitat in a nearby stream.

The River Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp includes faculty from various environmental fields and state agencies such as the Colorado Division of Wildlife, Department of Environmental Protection and National Forest Service. The cost to attend the six-day camp is $450. Download the materials below or contact Mike Nicholson at 303-987-8425 for more information.


For Parents

  • Parents will receive an information packet which contains several forms that require a parental signature, after the student has been selected for the camp.
  • All camp personnel undergo a background check through the national Trout Unlimited organization.
  • Campers "camp out" in tents under close supervision, and are expected to bring proper equipment.
  • Flight leaders supervise the camp and both male and females are represented.
  • Food is catered by local company and all is cooked on the site.

A Look Back at 2011

It has been an eventful year for Colorado Trout Unlimited and our 23 chapters. We’ve seen a growth in capacity thanks to new full-time volunteers and additional National TU staff, conducted on-the-ground projects to improve habitat and restore native trout, extended our advocacy on behalf of rivers, and created new partnerships to strengthen our ability to conserve, protect and restore Colorado’s rivers and watersheds. All of these efforts were made possible through the involvement and support of our members, donors, and partners – and we deeply appreciate each and every one of you. Looking back at the past year, here are a few of the highlights from 2011:

  • Yampa Valley Fly Fishers – long time leaders in conservation projects in the Steamboat Springs area – become the 23rd active chapter of Trout Unlimited in Colorado.
  • Colorado TU and the Colorado Water Project expand efforts to educate and engage the public in protecting the Colorado headwaters, launching a new Defend the Colorado website featuring the “Faces of the Fraser” – local residents from an Olympic skier to a logger who share their connections with the river.
  • Colorado TU brings on two new OSM/VISTAs – full time volunteers funded with support from the Office of Surface Mining and Americorps – to strengthen our efforts with youth education and RiverWatch water quality monitoring programs.
  • Denver Water and west slope interests announce an agreement to provide additional water and funds to benefit the Colorado River headwaters.  The agreement does not address the impacts of proposed new projects, but is a good start in collaboration to benefit the Colorado, Fraser, and Williams Fork.
  • Upslope Brewing Company unveils its new craft lager with a “1% For Rivers” program where a portion of all sales of the new beer benefit Colorado TU.
  • Our new website launches with an enhanced design, pages on TU activities in basins across the state, and an improved set of tools for visitors to engage with TU in river conservation.
  • Grand Valley Anglers and Colorado TU volunteers plant more than 200 willows along Trapper Creek on the Roan Plateau, helping improve riparian habitat for a key native Colorado River cutthroat trout stream.  Grand Valley Anglers also assists federal agencies with reconstruction of a reservoir atop Battlement Mesa as a refuge habitat for native cutthroat trout.
  • TU and a coalition of agency and private sector partners – with volunteer support from the Collegiate Peaks Anglers chapter – complete award-winning mine restoration work along Kerber Creek in the historic Bonanza mining district.
  • After years of advocacy and volunteer monitoring, TU and the Evergreen Chapter successfully get Bear Creek listed as an “impaired water” for temperature under the Clean Water Act – triggering a state regulatory process to identify the sources of the problem and develop projects to address them..
  • The West Denver Chapter completes work on the Canyon Reach project, improving fish habitat and angling accessibility on Clear Creek.
  • Colorado TU holds its first “Golf Classic,” engaging more than 120 participating golfers and raising funds for conservation and education.
  • Denver TU provides seed money to launch development of a master plan for river restoration in the south Denver metro area; the plan wins unanimous approval from the South Suburban Parks & Recreation District and City of Littleton opening the door to a new “golden age” for the South Platte.

This is a long list, but still far from complete. And with your help, we will work to make 2012 an even better year for Colorado’s rivers and watersheds. Thank you – and happy new year to you all!


Creating Stream Explorers

By Fred Rasmussen and Karen Dils, Collegiate Peaks Anglers TU Chapter Inspiring the next generation to experience the natural world is part of Trout Unlimited’s (TU) mission and the mission of the Collegiate Peaks Anglers chapter of TU. Since 1986, TU has taught hundreds of youth about the aquatic environment and fly casting and provided scholarships for students interested in studying conservation.

A new opportunity to more fully engage young people emerged when budget cuts forced Salida Public Schools to a 4-day school week. Using TU's Stream Explorers materials and lessons prepared by volunteers, our chapter provided a series of special conservation workshops during three-hour blocks every Friday for five weeks. The emphasis was on hands-on learning and scientific data collection.

During the first 2 weeks youngsters investigated the behavior of aquatic life including insects, shrimp and fish. They explored what life forms lived in their river, where they lived, their sizes, shapes and how and where they moved. Students did experiments exposing organisms, including fish, to hot and cold, light and dark and changes in gravity. Using their recorded data, they were asked to hypothesize on the effects of seasonal changes in temperature and light on the behavior of fish in their river. Then students tied flies that imitated the insects in the river.

During week 3 students reviewed their bug lessons and traveled to the river to learn how to “read” the water. Volunteers provided basic instruction on fly rods, gear, casting, basic knots, spin casting, and safety, including hook removal and catch-and-release techniques. Students practiced fly and spin casting. Youngsters took home activity sheets to identify organisms that live near the river and were charged with researching a fishing related website they found helpful on the internet.

Week 4 brought a snowstorm and a cold front. However, the students showed up in 25 degree clear weather. Utilizing the services of the Chaffee County Shuttle, we drove to Mt. Ouray Ponds. Students fished with fly and spinning rods in the lake and river. There were a few bites and 2 fish caught, but students mostly enjoyed the gorgeous day and being outside.

In week 5 students studied fish biology which included a lesson on the similarities between humans and fish. They visited the Fish Hatchery where they learned about fish rearing and observed fish scales and fry under microscopes. At the end of the day, our chapter invited parents to see their students “graduate” and provided pizza. All participants received Stream Explorer certificates, an Embrace a Stream Hat, t-shirt, and a folder with all kinds of good information to take home. Of 11 students who started, 6 earned Stream Explorer membership with Trout Unlimited by attending 80% of the sessions.

Our chapter reached its goal: teaching young people about the aquatic world. Due to the success of this program, the Collegiate Peaks Anglers TU Chapter plans to provide additional programs for youth – possibly including a series of winter fly tying sessions since many students were quite excited about their brief exposure to this art.