Distant Waters Special - And a Donation to CTU

Is a fly fishing adventure in New Zealand on your bucket list – or have you already been and are eager to return?  Then as a TU member and supporter, you may have the chance to give yourself a little holiday gift thanks to our partners at Distant Waters


Below is a unique opportunity to fish New Zealand if you have the means and availability. With a recently deferred trip with Distant Waters Angling Adventures in New Zealand, they have offered bookings for February 14th through the 22nd 2023 at a special discounted rate of $5,999 - $2,000 off the original price – including airfare from the west coast to New Zealand. This is a prime fishing time in the heart of New Zealand’s summer.  Additionally, Distant Waters will donate a portion of each booking directly to CTU. There are only four spots available, so act quickly! If  you have questions or would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact Kevin  Wigfield with Distant Waters at 303-550-2990. You can learn more about their trip offerings – including helicopter access to remote backcountry fishing! – at their website www.distantwaters-nz.com.


Thank you for your support, and happy holidays to you and yours.