Colorado Trout Unlimited

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TU, Anglers All, Help Restore Grizzly Mine Site

On July 9th, CTU along with our partner, Anglers All, visited one of many abandoned mine cleanup locations. The Grizzly Mine is located in the Southern Rocky Mountains on the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, six miles southwest of Silver Plume in Clear Creek County, Colorado, at 10,800 feet. The project site resides within what was historically known as the Argentine Mining District and is adjacent to Grizzly Gulch in the Headwaters of Clear Creek. The mine operated from the early 1870s to the late 1950s, with the primary mineral production output consisting of silver, lead, and zinc.

Under the skilled leadership of TU Project Manager Katrina Hettinger, this project rerouted clean water coming out of the adit away from mine waste that it picked up on its way flowing into Grizzly Gulch, and moved and capped the waste rock back away from the stream while creating improved habitat and floodplain connectivity along Grizzly Gulch. A road that was also mobilizing waste into the stream was removed and rehabilitated, with a more sustainable route replacing it.

We thank Anglers All for the $10K challenge grant that was matched through other donors on and after Colorado Gives Day. These funds provide much needed private sector matches to help leverage federal dollars for the restoration.

Colorado has approximately 23,000 abandoned mines throughout the state, of which, more than 230 are known as draining mines that are currently causing environmental damage. More than 1,600 miles of Colorado streams and rivers are impaired by acid mine drainage.

With critical support from state, federal, and private partners, Trout Unlimited continues to implement high-priority, watershed-scale mine restoration projects in river systems that are important for trout. At the same time, we aim to organize and strengthen the capacity of local stakeholder groups to sustain these conservation efforts over the long term.

You can lend your voice in support of legislation to promote more Good Samaritan mining restoration efforts by clicking on the button below.