Colorado Trout Unlimited

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Welcome Our Youth Education Intern Derek Valenciano

Derek Valenciano grew up in Grand County where he learned a passion for the outdoors. Through this passion he has pursued a degree in the outdoor industry. He is currently a senior at Metropolitan State University earning a Bachelor’s degree in recreation management. As the Youth Education Intern for Colorado TU, Derek will be assisting chapters with their current and potential youth programs, work with classrooms and other youth groups to teach conservation and fly fishing, and help coordinate the Colorado TU Youth Camp.

Derek has always loved fishing and never knew the possibilities of working so close to the sport until he found CTU. He likes that CTU is making fishing better for everyone throughout the state and that the youth programs are ensuring that the conservation mindset is passed on through generations. He credits his grandfathers and father for the countless time that he has spent on the water and for his appreciation of nature and the need to preserve it.

Derek is very excited to work in this role and looks forward to seeing the progress that future generations can make in conservation and education with his help.

If you'd like to contact Derek, you can do so at