North St. Vrain Creek Restoration
Almost three years ago in September of 2013, floods all over the front range swept through usually tame creeks and wiped out stream banks, structures, and anything else in their way. The North St Vrain Creek in the Button Rock Preserve area in Longmont was one of the hardest impacted streams from the flooding. The St Vrain Chapter of TU along with local stakeholders have teamed up to restore and improve the creek to prevent future damage.
The Phase 1 project area spanned a section from the box culvert downstream of Longmont Reservoir to the downstream limit of the Preserve. The work included excavation and moving material to create or protect riffle, pool, and run habitat, placing large rock structures to provide better habitat stability and creek resilience, and revegetation of riparian areas.
But more funds are needed to help initiate phase 2 of the project, and with help from the St. Vrain Chapter of TU, the City of Longmont was rewarded a Fishing is Fun grant of $84,000 to help complete more projects along the North St. Vrain in Button Rock Preserve- specifically an ADA accessible fishing pier along the river and restoration work.
The St. Vrain Chapter will continue to raise funds for Phase 2 of the project, that has been in the design for the last two month. Phase 2 will continue to address the river between Longmont Reservoir upstream to the Ralph Price Reservoir spillway. "The contractor has just completed the preliminary designs and construction costs for stakeholder review," said Barbara Luneau of the St. Vrain Chapter. "The first priorities in Phase 2 are to address the extensive flood damage at the inlet to Longmont Reservoir and at the spillway from Ralph Price."