Colorado Trout Unlimited

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Tell Congress: Support Public Lands and Recreation

If Congress doesn't act this month, one of our nation's most successful public lands and recreation programs will come to an end. From the Great Sand Dunes, to access on the Colorado River, to community parks and trails in our own backyards, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has set aside and protected special places in Colorado and nationwide for the past 50 years.

LWCF funds help acquire access and boat launches on the Colorado  River.

A new Colorado TU report highlights the diverse benefits LWCF has provided to our state, from expanding hunting and angling access, to securing iconic landscapes like the Great Sand Dunes, to conserving private lands through conservation easements and partnerships.  You can read the report here.

Yet this successful program is set to expire on September 30 if Congress doesn't act to extend it.  Please ask your Senators and Representative - today - to support permanent reauthorization of LWCF and keep its benefits flowing to our public lands and our multi-billion-dollar outdoor recreation economy.

Click here to visit our online action alert where you can share your comments with your elected officials.  Thank you!