Colorado Trout Unlimited

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Governor Signs License Plate Bill

In the final step of a long journey, Governor Hickenlooper signed into law SB-224 on May 18, authorizing a "Protect Our Rivers" license plate.  CTU's Regional Vice President Ken Neubecker and Legislative Liaison Jen Boulton were both on hand at the bill signing in Avon as the Governor gave his final approval to the legislation. The plate, which should be available no later than January 2014, will allow Colorado motorists to show their support for our rivers while also contributing financially to river conservation and education.  Plates will be available with a $25 donation to Colorado Trout Unlimited, plus a $50 payment to the DMV for the plates themselves.

We extend a special thanks to the legislative sponsors of the license plate bill, whose leadership made this success possible: Senators Randy Baumgardner and Andy Kerr, and Representatives Millie Hamner and Jared Wright.