Colorado Trout Unlimited

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TU Kicks Off Green with Envy Tour

TU's Green with Envy roadshow is an effort to protect the Green River and Flaming Gorge from the effects of a massive pipeline project. Here's an excerpt from a report in the Wyoming Business Report.

Presenter Walt Gasson, Trout Unlimited's endorsed business director, briefly invoked Dr. Seuss's Lorax in his impassioned plea to save the Green River.

"This is not a problem for people in Colorado or Thneedville who just want to wash their car or water their lawn," Gasson said. Instead, he said it is Wyoming and its $118 million local outdoor economy that will suffer the consequences of exporting 250,000 acre-feet of water annually. Of that water, 85,000 acre-feet would come from the Green River above Flaming Gorge while the rest would come from the reservoir itself. Read the full story by Mark Wilcox.

Green with Envy scheduled dates:

Steamboat Springs: May 15, 8 p.m., Community Center 1605 Lincoln Ave.

Grand Junction, Colorado: May 17, 7 p.m., Roper Music Ballroom, 130 N. 5th St.