Colorado Trout Unlimited

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Flaming Gorge 'scheme'

Pueblo Chieftain

Re: "Flaming Gorge pipeline users lining up," Jan. 15 Chieftain. It's a stretch for developer Aaron Million to try to sell his  grandiose pipeline dream as an "environmental" project that will benefit Colorado's overtapped rivers.    It's a promise that, like many of his claims, has yet to be firmed up. What is certain is that the pipeline would draw down Flaming Gorge reservoir levels and risk a host of potential environmental problems, from invasive species and water quality decline in the Green River's famous fishing waters to degraded wildlife habitat all along the 560-mile route.

   Moreover, this project is also lining up fierce opposition all along its route, from towns, communities and Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal who rightly worry about the environmental and economic costs of this boondoggle in the making.

   Front Range communities should first consider simpler, less costly measures to meet our region's water needs, such as conservation, aquifer recharge and leasing. What's needed most is comprehensive regional water planning, not pie-in-the-sky schemes.

Drew Peternell, director

Colorado Water Project

Trout Unlimited