Please take action online and tell your Representative to support a bi-partisan bill (H.R. 1507) that will give Congress the information they need to make sound salmon and steelhead recovery decisions in the Pacific Northwest. All it takes is one click to make your voice heard and give salmon and steelhead a fighting chance.
WHY WE CARE The Columbia and Snake Rivers were once home to the world’s most abundant salmon and steelhead runs. The historic center of North American salmon production, the Columbia-Snake River Basin fed ecosystems and human communities, sustained local economies from Idaho to Alaska, and provided world-renowned fishing opportunities.
Today, however, every species of wild salmon in the Snake River is endangered, threatened, or extinct.
Federal efforts have been largely ineffective, wasting millions of dollars each year on unsuccessful recovery actions. Providing the best available information to Congress and the region is the first step in developing a successful federal salmon policy. To move forward with effective efforts, all viable recovery options should be given fair and full consideration.
A bi-partisan bill in the House of Representatives (H.R. 1507), the Salmon Economic Analysis and Planning Act (SEAPA) would authorize credible, independent studies from the National Academy of Sciences and the Government Accountability Office. The Act will provide Congress with the information it needs to make sound decisions about the future of endangered salmon while ensuring the efficient, smart investment of taxpayer dollars, and providing economic benefits to Pacific Northwest communities.
Tell your local Representative to support SEAPA. This bill impacts all who care about the recovery of a heritage species, Pacific Northwest communities, appropriate use of public funding, and salmon and steelhead fishing opportunities.
1.) Take action online and then follow up with a call to your local representative. Let them know you’re counting on them to ensure Congress is provided with the best information available to develop an effective salmon recovery effort.
2. Visit and learn about consumer efforts to promote wild Pacific salmon, and please sign our salmon consumer’s bill of rights .
3. Visit to learn about Save Our Wild Salmon (SOS). SOS is a nationwide coalition of conservation organizations, commercial and sport fishing associations, businesses, river groups, and taxpayer advocates - all joined in a commitment to restore Pacific Northwest wild salmon and the communities that depend on them.
4. Learn more about the Salmon Economic Analysis and Planning Act and Pacific salmon conservation, by contacting Robert McCormick at 703-284-9429 or
Thank You, Steve Moyer Vice President for Government Affairs and Volunteer Operations Trout Unlimited